Wednesday, November 18, 2009

BC Anniversary

Hey there, not sure of any us fools even check this blog anymore but I looked back in my emails and I believe we started on Monday the 19th of January 09!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Our Next Book

Okay so as far as I can remember these are the options we discussed.

The Heavenly Man Brother Yun (Brady)

A few books that I think would go well:

Velvet Elvis Rob Bell
The Cost of Discipleship Bonhoeffer

We did kick around C.S Lewis, Chesterton, Francis Chan, Henri Nouwen, some other Francis.

What else is everyone thinking, let's talk!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

John Piper Podcast

Hey guys i listened to the John Piper sermon this morning about the recession that Justin recommended. It is really really good. He get's a bit intense maybe but the content is amazing. In a crazy way it really made me thankful for this recession. God is doing amazing work in our country and in ourselves. Check it out it's worth a listen.


Monday, March 9, 2009

First Revelation of Redemption

I enjoyed this chapter thoroughly because I feel that it shed some light on an issue that I've always wrestled with and never quite understood. It is the question of why God would create a human race and then allow for His creation to sin against Him. I've often wondered if God knew Adam and Eve would sin before creating them. I'm sure both sides of this coin could thoroughly be debated but I had never really landed on one side and had always felt confused. I feel that the answer now may be a mute point. Focusing on this only confuses our understanding of God and distracts us from seeing how the story of God's very first creatures, Adam and Eve, have great implications for us and our relationship with the Lord.

Why allow sin in the first place?

I'm starting to believe and see the weakness Satan has in pushing sin into our lives. Sure he may destroy many, but sin is the greatest way that God saves us, and brings us into His redemption. So the last laugh so to speak is on Satan himself. God gave us the power through his Word, to resist temptation and to ask for forgiveness when we fail only strengthening God's power in our lives.

On page 114 Goldsworthy explains the covenant of God to his people in light of Noah's story and has this to say. "Later it will become much clearer that God's grace is the cause of sinful people becoming righteous. Grace then is an attitude of God for the good of those who do not deserve the good." Meditating on this we are able to realize the power we have in the redeeming work of the cross and it has allowed me by the grace of the spirit to practically play out scenarios in my life in which I can actively use my own sin to draw me closer to Him. Assuming we keep our eyes on the Lord and are eternally focused I've found it plays out like this:

Sin - judgement- grace- forgiveness- righteousness & redemption.

God uses the sin in our lives to draw us nearer to Him if and only if we allow it. This brings such peace to my life because me, as an avid sinner, can not get bogged down by how much I suck, but through the grace of the Cross God can take my sin and transform it into light in my life.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Ash Wednesday

I've never been one to observe Ash Wednesday before but I went to the service at Grace on Wed night and had a really cool experience, it took me a few days to figure out what exactly it was that caught me so off guard though.

The main theme of the service was silence. You enter the sanctuary in silence, and exit in silence. This really set the tone seeking a personal and real meeting with God. We read scripture together, sang together, listened to Dave about why we were there and the significance of why we honor the 40th day before Easter.

Then you have the option of having an ash cross placed on your forehead. I had never done this and to be honest hadn't planned on it. To be even more honest I pretty much did it at first just to fit in, kind of like communion when you feel like shit and your heart isn't repentant, but you still take it anyways. The way I had understood the significance of it was we are acknowledging our own sin and our desperate need for forgiveness. We are saved only through Christ on the cross coupled with him rising from his earthly grave and his ascension into heaven to sit at the throne of God. In historical times those repenting would wear sack cloth and physically show their need for forgiveness. I understood the ash to be a similar symbolic act for us modern Christians.

The minute Dave touched my forehead with the ash I felt ashamed.

Everyone could see my sin, why is it that some simple act like that could expose so dramatically my need for repentence. We so desperately need Jesus and our lives are designed such that we believe we don't need Him. The last few days have been really humbling for me as i've been contemplating my brokeness. It's time to stop living as if we don't need forgiveness and start living every day in the light of his redemption.

Francis Chan's Podcast

Hey guys I listened to that Podcast this morning that Brady was talking about with Francis Chan. He's right it's way worth a listen. He doesn't fall apart as much as I expected but he does go completely honest and considering the size of his audience I feel like it he did it the best way possible. His battle was do I give the message I planned and lie to everyone and be fake, or do I just be completely honest but with the risk of giving a narcissistic message that's all about Francis to 30,ooo people who want to console him.

I thought it was great, he had some really good things to say, and the biggest thing I took away from the message is how dangerous this habit is of being convicted by the word, and not doing anything about it. This has been my habit I know for a long time but I feel the Lord drawing me to a life of action and I'm so proud to know you guys and grow in His word with you all every week.

Go to sermons, it's called "even Francis has a bad day"

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Awesome. I should be able to stay in-touch now.
Heard Monday went well - No class this week so I'm looking
forward to next meet (2/16). One of few I'll be able to attend.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

According to Plan...the beginning

This blog is set up as a part of our Book Collective from Grace Christian Fellowship. Is intended for all of us within this collective to be able to post thoughts/comments/links/whatever about our readings.

May this blog be a blessing to those who come upon it and not a distraction.

God bless all and look forward to reading and righting some good stuff